Visualisieren Sie, dass die Bedrohung nicht gesehen werden kann. Enjoy up Multiplayer with four people.
This is AR Hunting Action Game that can be enjoyed up to with four people!
Let's hunt monsters that appear in real world with your friends with your body!
【KashikaSekai -AR Visualize World-】
KashikaSekai is a game in which you can hunt monsters that appear in real world with friends with your body.
【Peculiarity of this game】
『Games action synchronize with action in real world』
Player's actions in game world are reflected in player's actions in real world.
You can approach AR monsters and escape from enemies attack by moving in real world.
『AR Monsters ”Inzible”』
Monsters that are called “Inzible” are incarnated by AR function.
Let's enjoy battles against individual Inzible!
New Inzibles will be added in future.
『Communication play with up to four players』
You can enjoy cooperation play with up to four people using Wi-Fi.
Let's join forces with your friends to hunt Inzibles!
*Please pay attention to problems on the network when playing this game.
【Wie man spielt】
Two jobs, Gunner and Blader exist in KashikaSekai.
You can fight with simple touch and flick operation while moving your body.
Gunner can shoot bullets at the center of the aim by touch.
Gunner doesn't have enough stamina relatively, but he can attack an enemy at a distance.
Blader can attack an enemy by flicking a screen when the enemy is in close.
There is a risk of approaching enemies, on the other hand, there is a chance to do heavy damage.
You can move in game world by moving in real world with holding device.
The moving action can revive the player's stamina.
【Announcement career】
Nov.17,2013 KONAMI「MONOZUKURI Contest」Special Recognition Award
Apr.23,2014 Tokyo Location Test Game Show Independent Game Developers Summit
Sep.18-21,2014 Tokyo Game Show 2014 TGS version Planning
【Recommended system requirements】
From Android 4.0
I will list more as soon as I can check the operation.
Be careful about the things of the circumference when you play.
Play in a large place without obstacles.
Don't play in dark place.
Don't play when you're sleepy and tired.
We don't take all responsibility for any accidents while you are playing this game.
Please pay with extreme care.
It is possible that this game doesn't work normality in some model and OS.
Please understand this matter.
Reference:[email protected]
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